Autoocupació - Serveis de Formació


Workers or freelancers
30 hours
100% subsidised
Business management and entrepreneurship
Open enrolment


  • Provide the knowledge and practical skills necessary to prepare payroll in all cases that may occur in the company as well as the preparation of social insurance and contracts of the latest reforms operated.
  • Knowing how to draw up an employment contract and how to calculate an application.
  • Understand the relationship between salary and work.
  • Know the salary and extra-salary structure of the reference collective agreement.
  • Identify the usefulness of the salary sheet.
  • Know the different sections of the salary sheet.
  • Prepare payroll with different assumptions.
  • Distinguish the specific elements of salary in different situations (temporary disability, work accidents, settlements and compensation, etc.
  • Understand the relationship between salary and Social Security contribution.
  • Calculate contribution bases to Social Security.
  • Recognize the employer’s cost of Social Security. TC1 and TC2.
  • Identify the different parts of the Social Security contribution documents.
  • Know the elements of the employment contract that are transferred to the payroll.

Who is the public target?

The course is aimed primarily at workers or freelancers.

Access requirements

(CAT) Per accedir a la formació s’ha de complir com a mínim algun dels següents requisits:

– Certificat de professionalitat nivell 1.

– Títol Professional Bàsic (FP Bàsica)

– Títol de Graduat en Educació Secundària Obligatòria (ESO) o equivalent.

– Títol de Tècnic (FP Grau Mitjà) o equivalent.

– Certificat de Professionalitat de nivell 2.

– Haver superat la prova d’accés a cicles formatius de grau mitjà.

-Haver superat qualsevol prova oficial d’accés a la Universitat.

Les persones que no compleixin amb els requisits esmentats o no tinguin la titulació homologada, hauran de superar una prova d’accés.


1. The employment contract
1.1. Definition
1.2. Purpose and characteristics
1.3. Requirements

2. Affiliation to social security. Ups and downs
2.1. Quote bulletins. TC1 and TC2
2.2. Elaboration and content

3. Receipt of wages
3.1. Salary
3.2. Salary and its legal regulation
3.3. The salary slip as evidence
3.4. The official payroll model and its sections

4. Payroll
4.1. The preparation of the basic payroll
4.2. Overtime, temporary disability and work accident and their reflection on the payroll
4.3. Settlements and indemnities in different cases

5. Contribution to social security
5.1. Social Security contributions and their importance
5.2. The calculation of the contribution bases
5.3. The company’s contribution to Social Security and the official payroll model
5.4. Contribution documents to Social Security


At the end of the training, an official certificate issued by the Consortium for Continuing Education of Catalonia certification is obtained which accredits the specific competences acquired in this training.


(CAT) 03/06/2024 – 03/07/2024


(CAT) Dilluns i dimecres de 18 a 21h


