Som transparents Autoocupació


With the publication of this information Fundació Privada per a la Promoció de l’Autoocupació de Catalunya gives fulfillment at the transparency obligations established at the Law 19/2014, of the 29 of December, of transparency, fit at the information and good governance and at the Order JUS/152/2018, of 12 of September, for which establishes the level of subjection of the foundations and of the associations declared of public utility at the instruments of transparency established by the Law 21/2014, of the 29 of December, of the protectorate of the foundations and of verification of the activity of the associations declared of public utility.



The Foundation and its Statutes are inscribed at the Registry of Foundations of la Generalitat de Catalunya with the number 1.238.


Groups of interest

The Foundation is not inscribed at the registry of groups of interest of Catalonia.


More Information

Objectives, beneficiaries, activities and impact

Governance and organisational structure
Economic and financial Management.
