Anglès B2
Autoocupació - Serveis de Formació

Barcelona, Online

Workers or freelancers
240 hours
100% subsidised
Open enrolment


  1. To enable students to use English fluently and effectively in both habitual and specific situations.
  2. Understand, produce and treat complex oral and written texts.
  3. Expand the lexical repertoire that deals with general, current and proper topics.

Who is the public target?

English B2 training is primarily aimed at workers or freelancers.

Access requirements

(CAT) Tenen accés directe al curs Anglès B2 les persones que compleixin els requisits següents:

  • Persones que tinguin nivell acadèmic o coneixements generals mínims: Graduat en Educació Secundària Obligatòria o nivell equivalent a efectes acadèmics o professionals.
  • Nivell d’anglès B1 acreditat

Les persones que no compleixin amb els requisits esmentats, hauran de superar una prova específica de nivell.


  1. Lexical-semantic, grammar and spelling contents
  2. Phonetic and phonological contents
  3. Sociolinguistic and sociocultural contents
  4. Functional contents
  5. Discursive contents


This training program will provide the students with the necessary training to be able to take the official accreditation tests of level B2 CEFR.

At the end of the training, an official certificate issued by the Consortium for Continuing Education of Catalonia is obtained, which details the competences acquired during the training.


(CAT) 17/06/2024


(CAT) Dilluns i dimecres de 18 a 21h


