CP Recursos Humans
Autoocupació - Serveis de Formació


Unemployed people
800 hours
100% subsidised
Professional Certificates
Open enrolment


  1. Carry out the administrative management of the activities related to the administration of human resources and of the information that is derived in the framework of an organization.
  2. Know the current legislation on human resources.
  3. Analyze the objectives set by the organizations and the internal rules established in terms of human resources.

Who is the public target?

The training program is aimed primarily at people in unemployment situation.

Access requirements

People who have a baccalaureate degree, higher level FP or have passed the exams for access to higher level FP or have a degree equivalent have direct access to the course. People who do not meet the requirements or do not have the approved qualification, will have to pass a level test.


  1. Management and administrative control of labor relations (210 h)
  2. Human Resources Management (150 h)
  3. Management of information systems and archiving (120 h)
  4. Office automation (190 h)
  5. Professional practices (120 h)


At the end of this training, the Professional Certificate of level 3 in Integrated HR Management issued by the SOC and the Ministry of Employment and Social Security.

Career opportunities

  • Average Technician in Labor Relations
  • Administrative of personal services or HR
  • Person in charge in an SME
  • Payroll manager
  • Technical in human resources


  1. Mòdul 1: 01/02/2024 -18/03/2024
  2. Mòdul 2 : 01/03/2024 – 05/04/2023
  3. Mòdul 3 : 22/04/2024 – 30/05/2024
  4. Mòdul 4 : 31/05/2024 – 26/07/2024
  5. Formació complementària: 29/07/2024 – 30/07/2024
  6. Pràctiques professionals: 02/09/2024 – 04/10/2024

(CAT) De dilluns a divendres de 9 a 15



Delegació de Tarragona

Sant Francesc, 16, 2n desp. 23, 43003 Tarragona


Group 3:

Delegació de Barcelona

Campo Florido, 54, 08027 Barcelona

