Autoocupació - Serveis de Formació


Workers or freelancers
15 hours
100% subsidised
Comerce and marketing


  • Learn to open a professional profile on Instagram and create attractive content to promote your business on this network.
  • Easily connect to customers and especially get your audience to interact with you online.
  • Value content is the key to networks, it helps to build trust and allows people to grow in followers organically.

Who is the public target?

The course is aimed primarily at workers or freelancers.

Access requirements

(CAT) Per accedir a la formació s’ha de complir com a mínim algun dels següents requisits:

– Certificat de professionalitat nivell 1.

– Títol Professional Bàsic (FP Bàsica)

– Títol de Graduat en Educació Secundària Obligatòria (ESO) o equivalent.

– Títol de Tècnic (FP Grau Mitjà) o equivalent.

– Certificat de Professionalitat de nivell 2.

– Haver superat la prova d’accés a cicles formatius de grau mitjà.

-Haver superat qualsevol prova oficial d’accés a la Universitat.

Les persones que no compleixin amb els requisits esmentats o no tinguin la titulació homologada, hauran de superar una prova d’accés.


1. Introduction to Instagram
1.1 What are users looking for, and what are we looking for as a company, in Instagram?
1.2 How does the Instagram algorithm work?
1.3 How do you grow up in followers organically?

2. Contents
2.1 Contents to educate, help, convince, inform and entertain.
2.2 Photographs and Filters
2.3 The use of hashtags
2.4 Stories as a tool to learn and build trust with followers
2.5 The Reels. The content that allows us to reach out to people who do not know us
2.6 IGTV, what treatment we give to the video on Instagram
2.7 The Directs. The best tool to present ourselves as experts and gain credibility.
2.8 The Store in Instagram
2.9 The monthly content calendar
2.10 Apps that will help us create content
2.11 Creator Studio to schedule posts, IGTV and Stories
2.12 The Guides. Collect the best places, publications and products

3. Instagram as a marketing tool
3.1 Direct messages, and networking
3.2 Look for local contributors and influencers
3.3 The draws, awards and legal bases
3.4 Advertising in Instagram
3.5 Instagram Ads
3.6 Result Tracking: Analytics Tools

4.Last news


At the end of the training, an official certificate issued by the Consortium for Continuing Education of Catalonia certification is obtained which accredits the specific competences acquired in this training.


(CAT) 15/10/2024 – 29/10/2024


(CAT) Dimarts i dijous de 18 a 21h


