
Núria Forné






Starting date of mentoring relationship

April 2020


Carmen Miravalls


“First, think carefully about what you want to do and think about the ideas you have in mind to find the best approach for each of them and be able to discard the ones you don’t like. Let them rest for a few days, and re-evaluate them, because you will improve them.

Second, eliminate frustration when things don’t turn out. Not everything can go well and getting started is complicated. Take every mistake as an opportunity for improvement, never as a failure, because every mistake is a new learning, and that is very valuable.

Work, work, work and have close people who helps you, such as the experience and knowledge of a mentor. Find people with whom to collaborate and generate synergies. You never know where a new opportunity may appear.

Entrepreneurship can be very hard, but the freedom it gives to you is worth it”.

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