Som transparents Autoocupació

Objectives, beneficiaries, activities and impact

Aim and purposes

The aim and the purposes of the Foundation are established at the articles 5 and 6 of his Statutes.


The beneficiaris of the activities of the Foundation are established at the article 8 of his Statutes.

Strategic lines

The strategic lines of the Foundation are:

  • Help entrepreneurs develop the skills and access the resources they need to create, consolidate and grow their companies, generating new jobs for themselves and others.
  • Improve the employability of working people through orientation, training, support for insertion and intermediation programs with companies.
  • Promote the transmission of small businesses to safeguard employment, between people who have a business going on and do not want to continue it and people who want to have their own business.

Activity program

The program of activities can be consulted in the sections of the different services and in the news section of the Foundation’s website, as well as on its social networks.

Annual report of activities

The annual report of activities is detailed in the first section of the report on the audited annual accounts for each year.

Results and impact of activities

The results and impact of the activities are detailed in the first section of the report on the audited annual accounts for each year.

Additionally, the evaluation and quality control reports corresponding to the latest edition of the transversal and sectorial programs subsidized by Consorci per a la Formació Contínua de Catalunya are published.

Social balance

Autoocupació has supported the creation of more than 5,000 companies and more than 10,000 jobs since 1986: 30 years of Autoocupació.

Reports and studies

The Foundation has not published relevant reports and studies in recent years.

